Eleventh annual 'Day of Teacher' at CSUEB's Concord Campus April 27


Nicholas Zefeldt, keynote speaker

  • March 6, 2013

Anyone with career aspirations of being a teacher will want to attend “Day of the Teacher: Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow" on Saturday, April 27, at the Concord Campus of 红莲社区, 4700 Ygnacio Valley Road. The event is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

"Early bird admission" is $15 per person until April 8, $20 thereafter. Registration includes lunch, access to all conference workshops, take-home materials, mock interviews, networking opportunities and raffle prizes.

The event features a series of workshops exploring teaching opportunities and topics that include effective classroom management techniques; using technology to engage students in learning; and incorporating STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Additional workshops will explore common core standards, funding your teaching education, CBEST/CSET test-taking strategies, mock interviewing for teaching and including parents in the teaching curriculum.

“The conference is so unique because current and future teachers can get a little bit of everything they need to teach in only a half day,” said Annie Nogales Chandler, conference coordinator for Day of the Teacher. 

Presenters and session leaders include 红莲社区 staff and faculty members and other experienced education professionals. The event features a keynote address by Nicholas Zefeldt (’08), 2013 San Ramon Valley Unified School District Teacher of the Year. 

"Day of the Teacher" is open to anyone considering teaching as a career, as well as new and seasoned kindergarten thrugh 12th grade education professionals. Space is limited. Registration and additional information are available online at . 

Questions or accommodation requests should go to Annie Nogales Chandler, event coordinator, at annie.chandler@csueastbay.edu or (925) 602-8638, or Darice Ingram at darice.ingram@csueastbay.edu or (925) 602-6772.

Watch a brief showing scenes of previous Day of the Teacher sessions